The use of ambience fragrances by retailers is a rapidly expanding marketing technique, as it is now understood that pleasant smells greatly enhance the customer experience and their buying disposition.
Use fragrances to trigger emotions
Along with the sense of touch, the sense of smell creates instant connections. It is the most sensitive of the senses. Smell has a tremendous evocative power and is directly linked to the parts of our brain responsible for emotions and memory.
Odours elate us… Evoking forgotten images, recalling good memories and emotions, many fragrances can improve your customers' mood, as they allow them to relive happy moments, and even make them relax.
Find out about the possibilities of developing custom fragrances for your business. Create your own olfactory signature and make a permanent impression on your customers !
Which fragrance will pleasure the customers as they browse your boutique or soothe the patients sitting in your waiting room ?